4 Ways of Online Earning In 2023

Hello friends, today I will tell you 4 ways of online money, you can earn online And sitting at home, you can earn a lot of money sitting at home with these 4 methods very easily, that too very So let’s start.


Friends, you can earn money online from YouTube very easily, that too with ease because YouTube gives you a channel means that one of the features of YouTube is that you can create a channel on YouTube. And when you create your channel on YouTube and your videos, whatever your talent means, you want to work on funny videos or on videos with technology, you are given the category. You keep uploading your videos to YouTube and YouTube gives you a target that you have to complete in 1 year. Thousand subscribers and 4000 hours of watch time you have to complete in 1 year  And when you complete this target, you get an email from youtube people saying that your channel has gone to review, they see your channel in the review that you did not put copyrighted content when your channel is absolutely clear.  Then you monetize your channel with YouTube
means that when you upload your video to your channel, an ad runs before the video is played, you will get money for that add, then in this way your channel will be monetized and you can earn money from the comfort of your home.

2.  Whatsapp

WhatsApp is an easy way to earn money sitting at home because you can earn easy money from WhatsApp, you can earn a lot more money in this month.  The way to do this is that you create a group on WhatsApp, you want to create a machine that you are expert in, for example, if you want to send anything or sell something, then you can sell it through WhatsApp.  For example, if you form a group, the logo creator So the same people will join that group, who will have to create logo for their website or any YouTube channel or anything, if you can create people, then there you will request that we create So you can make money by creating their logo. Make a group of the same thing in which you are an expert and by adding people there, when you will be requested to make any thing, then you can make money by making a deal by dealing with them.  So in this way you can make money from whatsapp.

3. Instagram

Instagram is a very amazing and famous way application by which you can be an online money, he also sits at home. To do online man on instagram you have to follow the Steps.
First you need to create your Gmail account. After that you will have to go to the play store and write Instagram there and when you see the application of Instagram above you will have to download and install it in your mobile phone, laptop or computer. And after that you have to login with your ID on Instagram and create a nice profile picture of yourself To get online today on Instagram, first you have to be a little famous, that means you have some followers. For example, on Instagram, if you Create a page that has more value in the market and people pacify it more and follow you. When your followers reach 10000 15000 or 20000 then you will start getting orders from some companies. For example, If you have a group of hair styles, then you will start receiving offers from the hair styles companies that if you put up our stories, then we will pay you 5$ or $10 whatever you say, then you will put our stories.  So in this way you can easily earn money from Instagram.

4. Facebook 

You can easily man online on Facebook, you can earn money sitting at home. But for this you will need to do some courses For example, if you take a course in digital marketing in freelancers Or if you have a course in freelancers of other free restaurants, you can join them Can learn them and earn. So whatever you have learned from the course, you are So from that you have to create a page on Facebook When you create a page on Facebook, people will join your page and you will start receiving offers. For example, you have done a course on Writers and you can write articles. So those people who want to write an article, So if he asks you to write an article, then you can give him an article and take money from him and in this way you can do online man sitting at home, that too with ease.

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