
Hello friend, today I am going to share with you a way by which you can connect your mobile with your receiver using USB, and we can do it on the internet. 

First you have to go to your receiver settings After going to the receiver settings, you will see which one option Config, You have to click on this option and there will be some option shows in front of you, you will see the above written link type, you have to click on it. When you click on it, you will have two to three options shows, one of them will be an option USB cable internet, you clicked on it, when you click on it, after that you finished your work from here.  Remember that you have no other settings here. And one more thing, Every receiver options are different, but live options exist in one place, in which setting you can find and use these options. 
After that you have to go to your mobile settings Before coming to the mobile settings, you have to install USB in your mobile and from there you could even put it in the receiver. After this, you have to go to your mobile settings and there you will see the option of a more.  After this, you have to click on this option and a new setting will open in front of you. So let’s talk about this setting now.
After this, the image shown above you in front of you will be shown In this setting you see an option with a hotspot, you have to click on it. When you click on this option, a new setting opens in front of you and we tell you about it. So after this, the setting which will show in front of you is shown in the image. You have to do all the steps described in the image in the same way so that your internet is easily connected. 
You have shown a setting in the image above, now we are going to talk about this setting.
Up above you will see an option with a hotspot, you have to stop it. And after that, below you see an option Bluetooth tendering You also have to enable this option.  When you enable this option, in front of you Your internet connection will connect with the receiver And your hotspot will start showing there and you have to connect it by giving password It connects without breaking the password because it is connected via a wire. 
And another thing is that all this process will be complete from above when you have a USB cable and will connect with your mobile receiver and your hotspot will be on Only then your receiver will be able to connect with your mobile and you You can use internet on your receiver  and use C line. today I hope you have understood everything the way you were told today.
I hope you have understood all the methods today and you will connect your receiver with your mobile via USB and will be able to use internet in the receiver.


You cannot connect your receiver with your mobile till you have a 1506 multimedia receiver. You have to have a usb cable Only then you can use your internet to connect your mobile with your receiver. Do this process at the time when you do not have tenda because the same people do this process, they do not have tenda and they connect via USB.

NOTE .  If you do not understand this method, you can put it in the comment box from me or you can express your opinion by e-mail to me and you will try to reply as soon as possible. Many thanks to all the friends who came to this website and read the article. 

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